Tuesday 7 February 2012

Arctic Venice

The last week has been very cold and it got colder and the wind stronger each day.  So cold the lagoon froze and the fish died.

These top three photos are from a friend, one from the internet taken on Sunday afternoon.

My photo from the bus coming over the bring into Venice.

I took the others from the vaporetto stop at San Marcuola after having lunch with my friend Ian at his apartment in the Ghetto.  We couldn't believe the Grand canal was frozen.
Thursday the wind became much stronger, Friday you could barely walk.  Joyce and I went to my friends Liz and Geoff's for dinner in the evening.  We were warned to wear lots of layers as they couldn't get the apartment warm.  Mine was the same.  Yesterday the wind had dropped, the sun came out and it was much warmer though the temperature dropped with the sun.

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