Tuesday 31 January 2012

Day out to Coneligiano

I had a day out to Coneligiano in the foothills of the Dolomites.  The day was bitterly cold but I enjoyed it.

I first found a beautiful cage for hot chocolate - literally melted chocolate, I have never had one so rich.
But as I walked around town I realised this on only one of dozens.  The place was wall to wall Viennese type cafes.

First I went into the Duomo (cathedral) that had a wonderful Prieseppe (nativity scene) set in a model of the church.  So here are photographs of the scene and the outside of the church.

The towns streets were columned passageways similar to those in Bologna.

I also went to see an art exhibition of paintings by Lorenzo Lotto the nephew of Antonio Canaletto who painted in the same style and sometimes each others paintings were attributed to the other.

Liz recommended a place opposite for lunch, no menu so a guess from the description meat or fish.  I had macaroni with a cream meat sauce, beautiful soft bread followed by homemade tiramasu.  Delicious.

I returned to the station and was just in time for a train back to Venice.  I was so cold when I got back I went to bed to read and here I still am.  The north wind is freezing.  I have put a scarf down at the door to try to keep out the wind.

Monday 30 January 2012

The light

I love the late afternoon light on the city.

Here are two lovely photographs of the Grand Canal.  Above from the Accedamia and below from 
San Toma looking towards the Rialto.

Marco Polo

Marco Polo was not over liked in Venice, they thought he exaggerated too much and was too full of himself.  

There are two campos named after him in the area his family lived, near the Rialto behind the Malibran Theatre.  The called him the man with the million stories and that it how these two campos got their names!

Follow the Star

Many of you will know we had a project in the village over Advent with the schools and the traders.  Kay bought a small shooting star to go outside Church which John kindly fitted for us. He did say what a pity it wasn't larger!  Here are a couple of the stars I have found in Venice.

I read the lesson in church on my first Sunday here and it was Matthew 2 1-11.  The Kings following the star!  It was perfect for me, culminated our project.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Murano, Burano and Torcello

Here are my photographs of my trip to the Islands last week.

Above is the Canale grande in Murano!

Burano and its' leaning campanile!

The coloured houses of Burano.

Torcello, the first island to be inhabited, the most northerly and nearest to the airport.

Experimenting with my new camera!

Approaching the Fondamenta Nove.

Sunset behind San Servolo.

Sunset behind San Giorgio.  it was a fabulous trip back.

Monday 23 January 2012

Apple Mac tutorial session

Several of my friends here have recently purchased new Mac books but have not had the lessons I've had and know how to get the most from it.

Last night I lead a one to two session with Hilary and Mike.  We covered a lot of ground, iPhoto, Skype, FaceTime, dashboard and more.  We had a session then Annie fed us with delicious home-made soup, another session then open sandwiches, another session then a strudel Hilary had brought back from the Coop in San Vito then another session.  Each session was accompanied by prosecco and then wine.

We had great fun and my pupils said they had learned much, or at least I had given them pointers of where to look for things. 

First Spritz

Saturday I had a day out to the Islands.  The weather was beautiful so I thought I should go and get some colour into my cheeks.

After much walking I sat outside waiting for the vaporetto to Treporti and enjoyed my first spritz.  For those of you who haven't experienced this Venetian drink it is either Aperol (my choice) campari or select with prosecco, a dash of water and a slice of orange or an olive.  It can be served as here in a tumbler or in a large, long stemmed wine glass.  Salute!

Saturday 21 January 2012

A day in Firenze

Thursday I went for a day trip with Annie and Mike to Florence to see an exhibition at the Strozzi Palazzo entitled Money and Beauty.  I love going out with them because they like lots of coffees in lovely places.  I know this sounds a contradiction of terms but our first one, with a brioche was at the railway station!  The food there is really good and inexpensive.

The train journey was two hours and very comfortable.  We took a taxi to Piazza San Marco, I remembered there was a lovely Viennese type cafe there.

These are the beautiful amaryllis on the bar.

Here are the long and the short of it!  Annie and I.

We then went our separate ways for an hour and a half.  I went to the Convent San Marco to look at Fra Angeleco's frescoes.  He painted a wonderful Annunciation at the top of the stairs and scenes from the life of Christ in each of the sixty monk's cells.  How amazing to have one of his paintings on your bedroom wall!  But I guess life in the convent would be hard and very cold.

Walking down the Via Cavour to meet up with Annie and Mike again.  The bell tower of the duomo above the buildings.

This ring to tether your horse is on the wall at the Medici Palazzo.  Also see there would have been a torch coming out of the top.

I had a walk through the market and was accosted by a trader selling leather coats and went into his shop to try one on.  He was so full of bull s**t.  He was sure my parents were of Italian descent I was so beautiful!  They are very clever and he gave me a coat to try which fit perfectly.  When I asked the price is was Euros 685.  I winced.  He said how much would I pay?  I said E300.  I knew immediately I had pitched too high.  The price at my still reluctance came down to E240!
Mike found us a great place for lunch, inexpensive and full of locals.  I had chicken curry!

The Duomo and Baptistry.

The exhibition was very interesting, how people got around not being able to receive interest for loaning money, the church was against that.  Usurers were evil people!  There was a computer game through the exhibition to see if you could make money by moving goods through different countries.  Annie and I made a profit, Mikes ship was attacked off the coast of Africa - still the same today.

After a lovely tea in the cafe we headed back to the station and returned home, a wonderful day out.

Friday 20 January 2012

Fairy Sparkle's Special Boys

As some of you may remember after Cinderella Fairy Sparkle went to visit two little boys, Ambrose and Marcus to wave Fairy Sparkle Magic over them.  My magic worked and they got their wishes. 

Their mother was in this years production as Princess Rosebud and they came alone on the last night to watch.  They could only see me as the Fairy.  So I told them that Fairy Sparkle had many reincarnations and was just playing at being a Nanny.  She was still really watching over them!

The said they had wishes for me but they were so awestruck they couldn't get them out.  Fairy Sparkle said not to worry because she knew what they wanted and if they were good boys whilst their father was away I was sure my magic would work.

That was perfect.

Rosebud was so pleased but asked me what they had wished for so that Jeremy could bring the gifts back from London.  Unfortunately she still had to question the boys about it.

I was just so touched by their loyalty to Fairy Sparkle.  Nanny Pat a Cake was a great part but nothing will beat being Fairy Sparkle.

This is my last panto post, I have hundreds of photos and will endeavour to put together a keynote presentation of them.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Hold the front page!

Last week was so intense rehearsing for the pantomime, learning my lines and managing to eat I kept up with the washing but not the ironing.

I have to confess I went out all week in un-ironed leggings, tea shirts and even a dress!

Those of you who know I iron EVERYTHING socks, dusters, everything.

You will be pleased to know normal is resumed and today I have ironed all my clothes.

Wonderful sunsets and ugly cruise ships

 Over the last week and a half while there was a full moon we have had some amazing sunsets - the camera doesn't do them justice, but here are a few.

The Zattere in the late afternoon.

Walking to make up in Campo Santa Margherita looking across Campo San Barnaba to the Grand Canal.

From the same bridge, the Ponte deli Pugni looking the other way to Miss Garnet's Church the Chiesa Santo Angelo a Raphaele.

The ugly cruise ship parked up.  The poor people who live up at Santa Marta loose all their light.

Sunday afternoon the view from my apartment.

The same view Monday morning!  The fog has been very intense for two days over the lagoon, Treviso is in full sunshine.  Today was raw.  But after going to the railway station with Mike this morning I have stayed at home and am catching up with emails and the blog.  I have also ironed clothes.  Next blog.

Tomorrow Annie, Mike and I are going to Florence to see an exhibition at The Stozzi Palazzo.  More about that on Friday.

What footwear!

The panto sported many wonderfully different types of footwear.  Here are a few...

Queen Floribunda - the asian shops provide great places to find costumes.

Princess Rosebud got a great bargain after the riots at Clapham Junction.  £15 for a pair of Kurt Geiger shoes.

King Rex is wear his "marriage shoes" adapted for the part.

The internet supplied Gumboil's goblin boots and Annie knitted his leg warmers.  The nanny (me) had to tell him "To pull his socks up"

The Maggiordomo  also adapted his own shoes.

The internet once more for Fairy Snaggletooth's boots

Fairy Cobweb had two pairs of sparkly flats.  Able to change when her bunion hurt!

The Narrators' own pair from her travels.

Fairy Saggletooth's finale pair with a pink wig to match!

The Nanny's reincarnation as a scarlet woman also had her in a pair of killer heels.

Hope you enjoyed seeing our footwear.