Friday 20 January 2012

Fairy Sparkle's Special Boys

As some of you may remember after Cinderella Fairy Sparkle went to visit two little boys, Ambrose and Marcus to wave Fairy Sparkle Magic over them.  My magic worked and they got their wishes. 

Their mother was in this years production as Princess Rosebud and they came alone on the last night to watch.  They could only see me as the Fairy.  So I told them that Fairy Sparkle had many reincarnations and was just playing at being a Nanny.  She was still really watching over them!

The said they had wishes for me but they were so awestruck they couldn't get them out.  Fairy Sparkle said not to worry because she knew what they wanted and if they were good boys whilst their father was away I was sure my magic would work.

That was perfect.

Rosebud was so pleased but asked me what they had wished for so that Jeremy could bring the gifts back from London.  Unfortunately she still had to question the boys about it.

I was just so touched by their loyalty to Fairy Sparkle.  Nanny Pat a Cake was a great part but nothing will beat being Fairy Sparkle.

This is my last panto post, I have hundreds of photos and will endeavour to put together a keynote presentation of them.

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