Monday 16 January 2012

Post Panto Exhaustion!

We had great performances to full houses Friday and Saturday evenings.  I was so pleased when Thursday was over as Wednesday had been a very long day not home until after 11pm and feeling hyper. Then up at 7.00am to be at the theatre for makeup at 08.30am for the 10.00am performance.  Out to lunch with The Venice Ladies following the performance, home and a quick sleep then I had to leave my apartment by 4.30pm to get to Cari's home in Camp Santa Margherita for makeup.  First on stage means you are first to be made up!  It was 10.30pm when I got home and of course it is difficult to sleep.  It has been great having Annie and Mike next door to travel home with and talk about the show.

It felt so good to have a lie in Friday and Saturday mornings.  Friday I did go up to the market at Saccla Fisola & bought amazing cavolo nero and radiccio grown on St Erasmo one of the islands in the lagoon.  Then I went to Walter's cheese stall and bought wonderful gorgonzola dolci.  Yum, yum, yum.  At the dried stall I bought fizzy cola bottles and crystallised ginger.  It was worth going for all my favourite Venetian treats.

After the performance Saturday we had drinks and nibbles and then I went to Hilary's for dinner.  It was wonderful to eat fresh food and wind down.  Sunday I didn't make church but went to an after show party  but I was so tired.  Eventually I came around, prosecco helped and enjoyed chatting to the cast and their families.  I have made lots of new friends as we have had new people join us this year which is great.

In the evening I did go over to Jeremy's tae party, it was so hard walking over the Accademia bridge, my legs were so sore but the fresh air felt wonderful.  Back home I cooked dinner and watched a rubbishy film and chilled.

Today I feel back to normal.  I went over the Accademia bridge again - no trouble now the legs have rested.

I have more photos but that's tomorrow.  I have to get ready to go out again - the circolo followed by dinner with Jane and George at Geraldine's

Caio, caio, caio.

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